Rocket Search

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life Along the Sea

Story and Photos by Christine Cawley 
Edited by Jennifer Gill
Bichons have had a long relationship with sailors from days of yore, particularly in the Mediterranean area. Sailors loved the pleasant nature of the bichon.  Rocket is no different today -- people flock toward him to pet him or watch him do his dance. He is a dog regularly admired.  
Today, Rocket was ready to go on a new adventure.  When he came upon the car, he seemed surprised not to see his new friends, Bob and King.  I even saw him glance in the back seat just to make sure that Bob and King were not there.  After one quick visual confirmation, he hopped into shotgun and eagerly waited for the adventure to begin.  
The feel of the fresh salt air blowing through his white fro whirled away any impatience Rocket had for the adventure to begin.

We enjoyed a wonderful ride along the coast heading south.  The micro climate of Palos Verdes is special. Rocket was surprised to find himself at a beach.  When we had arrived he looked out into the sea and an inner peace or calmness settled in.

Or did it?  After his zen moment, Rocket began to bip about the beach like a wild dog.  A gleefully wild dog.  

We enjoyed running along the shore and trying to keep our toes dry when the tide rolled in.  It was a lot of fun.

Rocket takes in life to the fullest.

Rocket was such a good dog.  He stuck next to me like we were glued together.

Rocket is very proud of this photo because it shows off his not so clean poodies.  

Many a classic novel has begun with someone waiting as well.  

Rocket is tired from his day at the beach, but he loves his dirty paws!

The sunset was gentle this evening, the palatial land had Rocket eager to explore and explore some more!

As for now, the eagerness has gone somewhere else from within us both, and Rocket is sleeping soundly on the bed with me while I write.  Even my eyes are droooping, and I know I must finish this story quickly so we can sleep and our fun can continue tomorrow.

Nightie night!